3D Manifesto explores the exciting world of Stereo-3D photography, as seen through the magical wonder tech of red/cyan 3D glasses. It's mostly a photo gallery, partly a blog, and very rarely updated.

In my non-photo-hobby time I develop video games and VR experiences, independently and for clients. 

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Lucas Talks 3D Star Wars, this time for real

After seeing [the box office take of] Avatar, Lucas told Access Hollywood:

“We’ve been looking for years and years and years of trying to take ‘Star Wars’ and put it in 3-D. But, [the] technology hasn’t been there. We’ve been struggling with it, but I think this will be a new impetus to make that happen.”

We've heard this story before, though it sounds like this time he means it.

There are five movies I'd pay a gazillion dollars to see in 3D, and three of them are Star Wars, Empire and Jedi.*

Read more at Access Hollywood.

*The other two are Back to the Future and Last Crusade. Yes, I liked it better than Raiders. Eat it, film snobs.

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Reader Comments (1)

Looking forward to this..3D star wars would be awesome..I bet lots of movie junkies will love it.

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